Dictionaries  | Petőfi daguerreotype | Daguerreotype hallmarks | Daguerreotype installations type | History of the daguerreotype conservation  |  Daguerreotype sizes | Glass plate sizes | Visit & other card sizes | Forte | Links | Literature | English menu  | Forum  | Blog | E-mail |


Old/alternative photographic processes and photoconservation -  under (a rather slow) construction. The page has English and Hungarian language content,  recently the Hungarian parts dominating, because my bordered translation capacity. Sorry.

Time elapsed from 7. January 1839. the first publications of the invention of the daguerreotype in two newspapers: Literary Gazette and La Gazette de France but the local, Le Drapeau Tricolore  (Chalon-sur-Saône) a bit earlier at 2 january (178 years -- the official announcement was at 19. August 1839.):


An Experiment to Determine the Author of the Petőfi Daguerreotype Using Computer Evaluation of the Data on the Daguerreotype Plates

Daguerreotype Installations Typology and the Conservation

Daguerreotype Plates Hallmarks Table (interactive)

Daguerreotype Plates Sizes

Glass Plates Sizes (old versions also)

Visit- & Other Card sizes

Altphoto/Photoconservation Vocabulary (with a lot of missing words, HELP! Any language welcomed!)

Dictionary, Vocabulary, Glossary, etc. (photo/conservation)

Short History of the Daguerreotype Conservation in Hungary

Forte photographic material factory, memorial page, founded: 1922, closed: 2007

Bilingual pages from the blog:

The tyranny and the history of photography.

The Daguerreotype of the Kaiser. Or not, just similar.

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Last changes of the English/bilingual pages of this site: 

01. 10. 2016 Daguerreotype  Hallmarks
22. 04. 2013.   Daguerreotype Installations
08. 05. 2013 An Experiment to Determine the Author of the Petőfi Daguerreotype...
06. 02. 2012 Glass plates sizes
30. 01. 2012 Sizes of the Daguerreotype plates
20. 03. 2011 Short History of the Daguerreotype Conservation in Hungary
03. 03. 2012.   Links 
19. 12. 2011.   Forte factory memorial
19. 01. 2009.  Altfot. vocabulary

Last change on this page: 07. 01. 2017.

Counter from 23. September 2004.
(only the start pages )

Counter2 from 23. September 2004. (all pages)

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